I came to UNC in 2003 to begin my doctoral work and immediately took advantage of numerous learning opportunities for incoming graduate students that were provided by the library staff (e.g. how to use search engines, Endnote tutorials, etc.). What makes my story somewhat unique is that I am now a faculty member in the department from which I graduated from with my PhD in 2008- and I now use the library in many and varied ways (e.g. finding resources for teaching, researching information to write a grant). I could NOT have made this transition here at UNC from student to assistant professor without the dedication and hard work of the library staff- they have helped me in so many ways- from answering my questions “in person” to “chatting” with me online when I needed to find a resource and wanted to ask for help via the “instant message” type format without even having to leave my office! I cannot thank you all enough for all that you do for students, as well as faculty, to assist us in our research, writing, and teaching roles here at UNC!
Cara McComish, Assistant Professor, Allied Health Sciences (PhD, UNC Allied Health Sciences, Class of 2008)