Dear Ms. McGraw,
Thank you for your help with my quest for information regarding how I can establish contact with the HSL databases (especially Science Direct and Academic Search Premier).
Members of your excellent staff, especially D…?*, a very pleasant, “can-do”-type person, put me in touch with a lady named Theresa in the OIS office who re-activated my onyen and helped me get a password that functions well (I can remember it, and it works).
Armed with these tools essentially provided from your larder, I have been able to access the scientific literature I need to get scientific information for my research work. Many thanks. I can now join Wallace Stegner in the Preface to his “Beyond the hundredth meridian”, where he notes, ‘In all my vast research for this book, I have never met a surly or un-helpful librarian…I think librarians will inherit the earth’. Perhaps you all don’t want that responsibility, but the accolade is certainly on target and applicable to your staff. Thanks for your management skills that result in your hiring and keeping such fine personnel.
With gratitude and best wishes, Zell A. McGee, M.D.
Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine, UNC-CH
* Denise Mabe
Yes, the person Dr. McGee was thanking was Denise Mabe! You can remove the question mark.
So I guessed right! Thanks!