What Struck You?


What do you love about the HSL?  Share your “love notes” with us and we’ll include them on the I Love My HSL blog!  Three ways to share the love:

  • Go to ILoveMyHSL.org (right here!) to enter a quick comment or story (anonymous contributions welcome)
  • Tweet comments, photos, or videos (< 1 min.) to @HSLUNC with #ilovemyhsl
  • Write your love note on one of the supplied valentines near the User Services desk.

Thank you!  Oh, one other thing. We love our patrons too!

Note: During the week of Valentine’s day HSL staff will circulate with cameras and recorders to ask patrons why they love the HSL. Participation is optional. Only selected quotes, images, and videos will be included on the blog.

We Love “Ask-A-Librarian”…Virtual and In Real Life!

We love the “Ask a Librarian” tool on the HSL website. We also physically “asked a librarian” at the HSL User Services Desk, and it was ever so helpful! It’s great that we have so many mediums through which we can find answers to our questions (even after library hours)! Jamie M., Brian B., Petros P., and Susan M.

– Speech and Hearing Science Students

“Oh, What a Relief” Ask-A-Librarian Is! … HSL Offers Convenience!

My favorite part about the HSL is the convenience it offers. Its proximity to my classes in Bondurant Hall means that I can stop by the HSL to utilize its many resources without having to spend more than a few minutes at a time actually getting there or accessing what I need. As a graduate student, having CCI printing so close at hand means I can quickly print out and get a head start on journal article readings during my breaks. I also appreciate the mobile charging station for those longer study breaks between classes. It is a relief to know that I have several avenues for using Ask A Librarian whenever I “get stuck” in my research, even if I am at home off-campus.

– Speech and Hearing Science Student

I LOVE The HSL Because

I love the HSL because it is specialized to what my program is, which makes it much easier to locate what I need for my classes. I thought the library orientation with Barbara Renner was very helpful in showing my class how to not only navigate the HSL website, but also to figure out how to get help from those working at the library if we are stuck. Thanks for all that you do!

We Love the Presidential Endorsement of Our Library!

During President Obama’s visit to UNC Chapel Hill, we loved hearing what we felt was a Presidential endorsement of the importance of libraries.  As you can hear towards the end of this Youtube clip (around the 1:20 mark), the President mentions that he’s proud of all the Tar Heel students for their hard work as they study for their degrees and “for the long hours in the library, I hope!”

Thank you Mr. President!