Moving Forward Together: Two Game-Changing Collaborations

This video was selected for the 2012 Medical Library Association Conference’s Leadership and Management Section program, “Smells Like Team Spirit: Partnerships to Move Your Library Forward,” in Seattle, Washington, (May 21, 2012).

For this blog we split it into two parts, one part on the YOUR HEALTH Radio blog and one part on the HSL Global Health Initiative.

YOUR HEALTH® Radio: We interviewed Dr. Adam Goldstein, faculty member of UNC Family Medicine and co-host of YOUR HEALTH Radio.

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Health Affairs leaders praise HSL’s Global Health Initiative

Watch several Health Affairs faculty and a graduate student talk about the important role played by HSL in UNC’s global health efforts.

This video is a condensed version of what was originally a four-part video.  The four-part version is available on HSL’s YouTube channel at

My research on disease prevention during the Civil War is dependent on the HSL

After months of searching the archives of the National Library of Medicine and the Library of Congress for a 1859 British document concerning medical regulations for British Army reforms I found an original here in the Health Science Library. Staff here scanned the 129 page booklet and I now use my .pdf version. On many other occasions the Inter Library Loan service has come to my aid with similarly obscure books and articles. My research on disease prevention during the Civil War is dependent on the HSL. Thank you for your efforts.

Edward Halloran, UNC School of Nursing, Associate Professor

Be one of the first to Share!

Be one of the first to share your story, long or short, about why you love the HSL. Maybe you’ve had an interaction with a librarian that helped you with a paper or research.  Maybe you want to share your favorite place to study (or sleep) in the library. Perhaps you and your classmates used our study rooms to collaborate  on a successful project. Or maybe you used our conference rooms for an important meeting or class. Whatever it is, we want to hear from you – faculty, students, staff, alumni, and anyone else who uses HSL’s resources or services.  So go on…spread the love! 🙂